Wednesday, 13 June 2012


Submarine Project
Terrain submarine aircraft Carrier

This is my project with Siti Nurbazilah Bt Ab Jabal ( and Nurhanani Bt Ismail ( and i have been given the task to complete the body. This is the Terrain Submarine Aircraft Carrier which use as aircraft carrier. For this project, mostly i use imagine and shape to complete my submarine body. 

Cylinder creation tools

By using the tools palette, the cylinder is shaping to desire shape.

Im using the imagine and shape to make the body part. By using the cylinder creation tools, i make the body part.

This is the small sketch tracer but i already replaced it with this one below.

This is the coloring process of for the body

This is the result for our final project.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Squirtle Catia

This is my cute squirtle which i use catia imagine and shape process to complete it.

The process start by making the head

then the body is make

 The process continue by adding the leg

After put the hand and leg,i use symmetry to make it at the other 


Monday, 30 April 2012

part 2 : : LaLat VS suPerbiKe

ape kena mengena LALAT dgn SUPERBIKE..???
haaaa tu lah keja seorg DESIGNER... cehh wahh.. kire insyaAllah lah bakal seorg designer nnt..

ape itu lalat...?

  • merupakan sejenis serangga yg boleh terbang
  • mkn dgn memuntahkan air liurnya keluar n menyerap kembali mknn yg separuh hadam masuk kedlm perotnye melalui belalainya.. 
  • serangga yg mampu menyebarkan penyakit.. yer lah lalat kn pengotor... suke sgt dok tmpt yg kotor2..
  • dia jgk serangga perosak
  • dia lah jgk serangga pembiak zuriat [bg tumbuhan] ~ lalat hitam
oklah malas nk story mory pnjg2 pasal lalat nieh.. bukan nk buat report pasal tahi lalat pon..
[info lalat dr cik Wiki]

DAN SeBENARnYER [mcm tajuk lagu YUNA plak] saje nk tunjuk kt kory hasil design sketching aku mentranformasikan sEkor lalat ---> Superbike yG hanDsome...

[kpd mane2 mahkluk Allah S.W.T yg tdk mengetahui rupebentuk lalat..] aku curik pic lalat nieh dr blog awek cun yg stdy kt uitm bndr mlaka [] huhuhuk mintak halal yer adek comey..

haa tu dia... mari kita lihat siapa yg kena!!!
-lalat tuh ada 3main part body dia
-so kite make over part kepla n bontot dia jd tayar
-part tgh tuh kite pnjgkn secukup rasa untuk kite tonggang diah..
-kaki2 lalat tuh kite patah2kn n than design kn dia jd part pelengkap n penyambung.
tuh dia.. sprti yg korg tgk.. saya lg yg kena...
ini name dia design yg berkonsepkan TRANSFORMASI..

design SuperBike yg bersubject matterkn sEkor lalat..

time buat nieh x pk sgt details2 nyer sbb lectrr x mintak pon...

so stakat nie je lah yg mampu saya hujahkn...

InsyaAllah d peringkat seterusnya akan aku bentangkan secara detailnya..

ini lah lalat bukan nama sbenar....

Friday, 27 April 2012

class sketches part 1

jOm adjust tgn kc lembut sket...

ni lah 1st sketches dlm 1st class...

 belok2 line.. pen color kuning tu.. En Hariri yg adjust kc line x belok..

cObaan untuk sekian kali nya... sbelum ni.. dah 10juta ratus keping bond paper A3 aku sketch.. dan inilah yg terakhir aku hantar n diterimapakai oleh En Hariri.. up sket mark..

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

1.. 2.. 3..

start from beginning..
step by step... 
saya budak baru belajar...
salah silap minta maap lah....
klu x susahkn org lain nk mintak tlong ajar2 kn..
 \ (#_#) /